Top 3 Los Angeles Birthing Centers (Plus FAQ’s!)



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I work with parents who want relaxed and unposed photos, providing them with images that capture the joyful and unscripted moments in life.

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If you’re currently expecting a baby and looking for an alternative to a hospital birth, you may be wondering about Los Angeles Birthing Centers. There’s not many of them out there these days, so I’ve compiled a short list of the 3 top birth centers in Los Angeles.

As a newborn photographer in Los Angeles, I tend to cross paths with other maternity and birth professionals. And as a parent myself, I know how hard it can be to find the right people to surround yourself with during this crucial time.

Here are some excellent Los Angeles birthing centers you can trust, and some of the most frequently asked questions answered below.

Here are the Top 3 Los Angeles Birthing Centers To Support You During Your Birth and Beyond

Mind Body Birth

Located in Downtown Los Angeles

“Mind Body Birth offers complete Prenatal, Birth and Postpartum care, as well as holistic Well Person, Fertility, and IUI services, including Pre-Pregnancy Counseling, and Hormonal and Genetic testing. 

Located in the heart of Los Angeles, our beautiful, comfortable and serene space is the perfect place to welcome your baby under the gentle and skilled care of your Licensed Midwife Team.

If you desire to be cared for with compassion, individuality, and respect, you deserve the care provided at Mind Body Birth with Faith Freeman CPM LM and her Team.”

Learn more about Mind Body Birth…

Kindred Space LA Birth Center

Located in South Los Angeles

“Clients receive inclusive care with complete prenatal support, including screening and lab work. The prenatal visits make time and space for the physical, emotional and practical preparation for birth and life with a newborn. Every prenatal and postpartum visit is an opportunity to connect and assess the total health including the client’s physical and emotional state along with a gentle hands-on check-in with the baby. The entire family is welcome to participate in these visits and to be involved with the yet-to-be-born newest family member. In a truly supportive environment, you will learn about normal pregnancy and birth with an additional focus on the importance of nutrition and optimal health as you enter this life transition.

The midwifery team is on call for the client in the weeks leading up to and after the estimated due date. When the birthing day arrives, the midwives are prepared with necessary equipment to blend the mystical and medical to hold space for a safe birth. Clients are encouraged to do whatever works for them including eating, drinking, moving, resting, walking, squatting and being in water.”

Learn more about Kindred Space LA Birth Center…

GraceFull Birth

Located in Silver Lake

“Since 2006 we have helped thousands fall in love with their birthing journey while providing advanced-level clinical care. More than birth and delivery, we are changing the landscape of birthing with radical transparency, and by connecting people to information and education.

Whether you want to birth at home or at the birth center, our Certified Nurse Midwives and Licensed Midwives are here to support you every step of the way.

Our birthing center is filled with cutting edge technology and everything you’d want from the best hotel suite. Extra-large birthing tubs, state of the art birthing swings and chairs, Nitrous Oxide should you need a puff for pain relief, every last detail has been accounted for to create a nurturing space for your baby to be born.”

Learn more about GraceFull Birth…

Frequently Asked Questions For Los Angeles Birthing Centers

Who is eligible to birth with a Licensed Midwife at a Birth Center or at home?

Any pregnant person who is low risk is eligible to birth with a Licensed Midwife.

Licensed Midwifery care is ideal for people who wish to allow their bodies to birth as undisturbed as possible, while having skilled midwives present to monitor safety and well-being, as well as guide the birthing process as needed to ensure the best and safest outcomes. 

Out-of-Hospital Births are ideal for those who desire to birth without medical pain management, as midwives’ skills and portable, waterproof equipment ensure safety and monitoring benefits without compromising your options for continued movement, positions, and access to water in labor.

These options, along with the emotional and mental support provided by midwives enable to you more easily cope and move through the intensity of labor than in a traditional hospital setting. (Answer provided by Mind Body Birth)

How Do I Know If I’m Low Risk?

It is possible to be pregnant and be considered low risk but just don’t realize it. Age alone does not qualify you as high risk. There must be true medical concerns for your health or the health of your baby. If you are having a high risk pregnancy, likely you’ve already been told by a current provider. We also speak one on one with each potential client prior to committing to care so any doubts can be addressed at that time. If you have not yet seen a provider, we can perform lab work, order an ultrasound, and do a full health assessment at your first visit to get a clear picture of the health of yourself and your baby. (Answer provided by Kindred Space LA.)

What Is A Midwife?

Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is certified by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). CPMs work autonomously and do not require the supervision of a medical doctor. CPMs provide pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care for women outside of the hospital—often in birth centers and homes. CPMs are not able to prescribe most medications.

Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM®) are registered nurses with graduate education in midwifery. They have graduated from a nurse-midwifery education program accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME). This education includes a university degree as well as hands-on clinical training by practicing CNMs. CNMs are able to prescribe a full range of substances, medications, and treatments, including pain control medications. CNMs work in many different settings, such as hospitals, health centers, private practices, birth centers, and homes.

Both midwives are trained to provide general women’s health care throughout a woman’s lifespan. These services include general health check-ups and physical exams; pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care; and well woman gynecologic care. (Answer provided by GraceFull Birth)

What’s the Difference Between A Doula and A Midwife?

A midwife provides medical care for both mom and baby. A midwife is going to check heart rates and blood temperature. Basically, a midwife’s job is to make sure mom and baby are okay, that baby is born safely and healthy.

A doula provides birth support to mom, both physically and emotionally – perhaps suggest breath work or provide a lower back massage. A partner can even stand in as a doula. (Answer provided by GraceFull Birth)

What if I can’t handle the pain? How do I know if out of hospital birth is right for me?

Out of hospital birth is not for everyone and we understand that. However, if this is your preference and choice and you are low risk, we will absolutely support you in the best possible way which can include ~ education, helping you establish a healthy mindset, helpful support systems from family and friends, and more! If you ever change your mind and instead would feel more comfortable in a hospital setting, you always have that option available to you. (Answer provided by Kindred Space LA)

Should I have a Birth Center birth or Home Birth?

Essentially birthing at our center or at your home are the same. The birthing equipment and emergency options are the same – including water labor/water birth pool, emergency equipment and medications, birth stool, rebozo, and more. 

Pros of birthing at the birth center are: Lower cost, as midwife team does not having to transport, set up and take down the extensive birth kit equipment and pool, as well as less drive time for the team enables us to provide services at a lower cost. You also do not have to buy the birth kit, prepare your home or gather the list of additional supplies required for a home birth. 

For some of our clients it is also better because the hospitals close to the birth center are ideal hospitals in the event of a transfer, verses some people’s home location which may not have good hospitals in the area, or even can be further from a hospital in general. 

Pros of a home birth are: Not having to drive to the birth center in labor and not having to transition back home several hours after delivery; and being in your own space. (Answer provided by Mind Body Birth)

What if my baby is in a breech position?

Out of hospital birth can only be supported if the baby is in a confirmed head down position. Midwives are able to determine fetal positioning during pregnancy and can help suggest physical exercises to encourage a breech baby to turn its head down. If your baby remains in a breech position closer to birth, we will help you to arrange alternate birth options. (Answer provided by Kindred Space LA.)

What Happens If I Need to Transfer?

There are different types of transfers – either non-emergent, or emergent transfers, which can both happen before, during or after labor. 

The most common time to transfer is a non-emergent labor transfer. This typically happens because someone has a long labor, become exhausted and stops making progress. 

Occasionally we have a prenatal problem that risks someone out including genetic condition of baby, preterm labor, hypertension or lab values that can slowly, or suddenly, become high risk. 

Even more uncommon is to have a transfer that is emergent and happens by ambulance. Your midwife will typically stabilize everything as much as possible while waiting for the ambulance, and almost always transfer with you in the ambulance during an urgent or emergent transfer. (Answer provided by Mind Body Birth)

Newborn photo collage. A collection of photos of parents snuggling their newborn babies at home.

Now might be a good time to book a newborn photographer!

It’s never too early to book a newborn photographer to capture your growing family. If you’re curious about working with me, check out my Newborn Photography page to learn more. Not quite ready? Follow me on instagram to see my latest work!

Top 3 Los Angeles Birthing Centers

Marjorie Cohen is a Los Angeles Newborn Photographer offering at-home documentary sessions to families in LA County. Marjorie works with parents who want relaxed and natural photos with their newborn. Follow along in Instagram and Pinterest for her latest work!


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